
  • Writing

  • Coaching

  • Yoga

  • Dance Therapy

It’s always a good time to tend your inner gardening.


Spew a gem, whole in hue.
Burnished facets of clarity
furnish the layout of her lines,
mined from the muck she’s in.

~Charise M. Hoge

Striking Light from Ashes, published by Finishing Line Press

Body, Breath, Being

Practices that enhance presence: engaging in yoga, meditation, and/or focusing on breath. Return to your sense of being to support all that you are doing.

Guided Journaling

Writing prompts are like companions asking questions, allowing you to listen inwardly and find authentic answers. Identity and creativity are our themes.

Dance Therapy

Movement reveals the less known aspects of yourself that want to be seen and understood. How you approach life and relationships
is your personal choreography.

"Charise is radiant, warm, knowledgeable, and uplifting in how she moves and inspires others." ~ Charmaine Lee, RPP

Mix and Moss Poetry

Events, Readings, Happenings, Performances

New Work & Publications